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Time cost in a sentence

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Sentence count:14Posted:2018-09-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: time-consumingwhen the time comesreal-time computertimecardtime cardtime clocktime capsulepentecost
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1. This calculation excludes any consideration of time costs, which evidence suggests are considerable.
2. Benefits: A better piece at no time cost to you.
3. Because time costs money, any time saving device like a computer system obviously cuts costs.
4. Investigated time cost and manpower cost are taller.
5. Still have our time cost of course.
6. At last the real - time cost analysis in Panshan Power Plant is presented.
7. Using this formula, then obtains the real cumulative time cost grid chart again through the grid calculator, Fundamental unit for minute.
8. The newly developed technology that reduce the time cost a lot.
9. Parallel processing is a powerful way to reduce time cost in computation - intense task.
10. The results show that it has lower time cost and good results.
11. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce decoding time cost and implement real-time video playing at mostly high frame-rate(, while keeping hi...
12. The size of tax compliance costs means taxpayers in tax-related matters for the money cost, time cost and psychological cost of the tax burden.
13. According some molds repair need location by location hole, because time cost long that adjust location hole location in CNC machine, and location accuracy is low.
14. Ru - LIN Qi : We have more patience, time cost is very important.
More similar words: time-consumingwhen the time comesreal-time computertimecardtime cardtime clocktime capsulepentecostbear the costat the cost ofpentecostalpurchase costcount the costsplit the costaverage costlost timepost timeestimated costvariable costeconomic costcost estimatingthe cost of livingfrom time to timerecovery timetime after timein the course of timeaverage variable costtime and time againprime timeestimated time of arrival
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